Franklin North Carolina Lions Club

The Lions of Franklin NC Welcome You!

Chartered 1939

Since 1939 the Lions Club of Franklin, North Carolina has proudly served the citizens of Macon County. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. To say it simply, "We Serve".

Our many community service projects include: Assitance with Eyeglasses and Exams, Services for the Blind, Scholarships for High School Seniors, and we're pretty sure you've seen the American Flags we fly for area businesses on holidays.

If you would be interested in becoming a member of the Franklin Lions Club or volunteering with our efforts, feel free to contact us or speak with one of our members! We would love to have you join us in serving others.

Franklin NC Lions Club Santa Pal Project

The Franklin Lions Club thanks you for your generosity in supporting our Santa Pal Project again this year!

We shopped for over two dozen children this year, in conjunction with the MPP Holiday Angels Program, to provide them with necessities such as coats, shoes, and clothing needs.

Thank you again for helping us make the holidays special for those in need.


Franklin Lions Club North Carolina


Lion President Dave Jones was presented with a William L. Woolard Fellowship during the club's annual installation of officers. Woolard was a past International President from North Carolina. Congratulations Lion Dave!

New officers for the 2024-2025 Lions Year are:

President: Lion Dave Jones

1st Vice President: Lion Steven Schmitt

2nd Vice President: Lion Patti Elkin

Co-Secretary / Treasurer: Lion Michaelle Sciberras & Lion Ruth Hensz-Stilwell

Tailtwister: Lion Donnie Wallace

Lion Tamer: Lion Pete Haithcock

Director 1 Yr: Lion Dub Elkin, Lion Judy Burnett

Director 2 Yr: Lion Dave Notter, Lion Liz Birolin

Membership Committee: Lion Sue Kozma



Franklin Lions Club North Carolina Supports KIDS Place


Lion Ruth Hensz-Stilwell is shown above presenting a check to Alisa Ashe Director of KIDS Place, a children's advocacy center in Franklin.

The Franklin Lions recently made a donation to KIDS Place Children's Advocacy Center to assist in the relocation to a new facility located in Franklin.

KIDS Place is Macon County’s only not-for-profit organization that coordinates the efforts of child protection services, forensic interviewing, law enforcement, prosecutors, child advocates, medical and mental health experts, all under one roof.




Talley Kinsland of Franklin High School was awarded the Franklin Lions Club's Annual Scholarship during the school's Annual Scholarship Night.

Talley will receive $1,000 per year toward her higher learning. Our congratulations and best wishes for continued success to Talley!

We also thank those of you that support our many fundraising efforts that make the Franklin Lions Annual Scholarship Program possible!


Lions Clubs International ThemeWhen caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing
—and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lions. Since It’s inception in 1917, Lions International has grown to more than 48,000 clubs around the world with 1.4 million caring men and women serving together to make a lasting impact and change more lives.

The Franklin Lions Club was chartered in 1939 and has carried on the vision of Lionism for over 80 years. Since being chartered, Franklin Lions have served thousands of residents in Macon County and made a lasting impact in our many communities.

Back in 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. She challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." From this time, Lions clubs have been actively involved in service to the blind and visually impaired. 

The Franklin Lions Club proudly carries on this call to action today. If you need eyecare and can't afford an examination or glasses, we may be able to help. Simply complete our Contact Form for additional information.




The Franklin Lions meet the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Louisa Chapel Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm.

Directions: take 64 West. Louisa Chapel is the first left after you go through stoplight at Sloan Road. Stay on Louisa Chapel Road. When you pass September Embers Dr. on left church is on left ... 470 Louisa Chapel Road.


Franklin Lions Club Service Projects

"Where there is a need, there is a Lion." - Melvin Jones
Vision Assistance Franklin NC Lions Club

Vision Assistance Services

If you are in need of financial assistance for eyeglasses or an eye exam, the Franklin Lions Club may be able to help.

Applicants are screened by the Franklin Lions Club to determine need and available assistance.

Request assistance by clicking here for our application.


WNC Lions McCune Center Black Mountain NC

McCune Assisted Living Center

The Marjorie McCune Memorial Center is a licensed Adult Care Home owned and operated by the Lions of Western North Carolina.

Located in Black Mountain, North Carolina, the center is nestled in the Swannanoa Valley of Buncombe County in a country setting. The Marjorie McCune Memorial Center offers both Assisted and Independent Living opportunities.


NC Lions Camp Dogwood

Camp Dogwood, Lake Norman

Since 1967, Camp Dogwood for the Blind & Visually Impaired has been a beacon of service to citizens from all over North Carolina. This summer destination provides a wonderful and therapeutic vacation retreat for persons with blindness and visual impairment.

Every summer, up to 880 campers enjoy weekly stays with numerous recreational and entertaining activities. Guests enjoy fun and relaxation while developing friendships with each other staff, and volunteers.